Cancellation of all religious activities, social activities. All religious houses closed except for grocery stores.
1. 所有国民禁止出国,回国的公民须自我隔离14天。外国人不得进入我国。
All Malaysians banned from travelling overseas. All Malaysians returning from overseas to be on self quarantine for 14 days. Banning of all foreign tourists.
2. 所有教育學府全部关闭,包括幼儿园、政府与私人中小学、宗教学校、大学机构。
Closure of all schools, kindergartens, public and international schools, universities and colleges.
3. 关闭政府与私人机构,除了重要机构如水务、电源、能源、交通、汽油、天然气、燃料、经济、医疗、消防、监狱、投资、机场、安全、食物供应,其他政府部门不服务。
Closure of all government and private offices except for essential services such as utilities, telecommunications, transport, petrol station, fire station, investment, banking, health, pharmacies, security, airports, food supplies.
有任何疑问,可拨打国家行动管理中心热线询问 03-88882010 (17/3 中午12时开放热线)