

现在古晋是疫情红区,很多人也受不了头发长。但这时候要忍住,理发师也要 hold 住!



所以,这是全民抗疫,不是靠前线人员努力,而是全部人都要配合,这样才能把病毒打倒 ?

“I think the Sarawak Government had taken a stand to flatten the curve. MCO is implemented for a huge reason!

For hairstylist, they are working so closely with clients it would be quite easy to spread if anyone is asymptomatic which is the whole reason for the MCO.

If Hairsylist were to offer home services at this moment of covid crisis, it’s bringing cross contamination unknowingly. Does the ladies understand during this pandemic situation, nobody is gonna be bothered by how your hair looks!

Please abide to the law and DO NOT bring cross contamination among communities! Looking at the Kuching home hair services ads and responses on FB worries the hell out of me! And the areas stated included areas in ALREADY RED Zones in Kuching.

Please just stay at home! NO MOVEMENT! No home hair services please! Think of your family, the young and the elderly and your own life instead of your hair!

Please Stay Home! Do not invite cross contamination into your very own community!”


#covid19 #新冠肺炎 #行动管制令
